How to Connect Your Outlook Email to LeadLoft

Guide for non-admins on connecting Outlook email to LeadLoft and resolving "Approval required" prompt.

How to Connect Your Outlook Email to LeadLoft (Non-Admins)

This guide should be followed if you’re attempting to connect your Outlook email to LeadLoft and you receive the “Approval required” prompt.

If you are not the mail administrator for your organization, you will need to ask your Mail Admin to complete the process. This is usually a web admin, engineer, or even a CEO.

This prompt appears because of the security settings set by your mail administrator.

How to Send and Accept Approval Request to the Mail Administrator

  1. Select the Request approval option from the prompt. This will send a notification to the mail administrator, alerting them to your request.

  2. To begin processing the approval request, the mail administrator can log in to their admin account on the Azure portal ( or follow the link provided in the approval request email.

  3. To view and process pending approval requests, the mail administrator can navigate to Enterprise Applications > Admin consent requests > All (preview) in the Azure portal. From here, they can see all of the requests that are waiting for approval. The image below shows how the mail administrator can give consent to the user.

Admin consent requests screenReview and accept requests

Once the mail administrator has finished, the user can restart the authentication process and connect their account to LeadLoft.

Once LeadLoft has been added, the admin can whitelist it for all the other users using the Assign Users and Groups feature.

Assign Users


To find the source of the blocked access, contact your mail administrator and provide them with the following information:

  • Timestamp of the login attempt

  • Email address of the account

  • Logins settings found in Azure > Monitor > Login Settings

The mail administrator should be able to use this information to locate the source of the issue.

If you're still experiencing issues with connecting your email, please reach out to LeadLoft support with as much information as possible and we will investigate on our end.

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