How to Create, Edit, and Delete Quick Views

Use Quick Views to quickly view commonly applied filters.

Quick Views are used to quickly view commonly applied filters. Let's walk through how you can edit and update them.

How to Create a Quick View

  1. Start in Pipeline

  2. Apply Filters

  3. Click "Save View"

  4. And follow the steps

To access advanced filters, click on the 3-dot menu icon (More Icon) to the right of the filters and select Show Advanced Filters.

How to Edit Quick View's Filters

  1. Click / Open a Quick View

  2. Apply or edit the filters

  3. Click Save View and follow the steps

  4. You can Create a New Quick View or Update the Current Quick View

Edit a Quick View's Title

  1. Hover over a Quick View

  2. Click the Edit Icon (Pen Icon)

  3. Type in new name

  4. Click Save & Update

Delete Existing Workflow Step

  1. Hover over a Quick View

  2. Click on Edit Icon (Pen Icon)

  3. Click Delete Quick View

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