How is LeadLoft's data organized?
Most CRMs have Leads, Contacts, Companies, and Deals. In LeadLoft we have all of this too but it all exists under Deals. So you only need to focus on Deals.
LeadLoft automatically deduplicates and associate the correct data with the correct Deal. And this all happens automatically in the background.
What happens if it's a new lead and there's no existing data?
If LeadLoft can't find an existing deal, we'll create a new lead.
Tips on LeadLoft
Only have 1 active deal per lead at a time (e.g. only create a new "Deal" after the others are determined to be "Won" or "Lost").
Use the AI ReplyRouter to automatically update Deal Stages for outbound campaigns.
Try to collect domains or business emails for maximum deduplication accuracy.